Description | Command | |
Chef Dry Run | chef-client -Fmin –why-run | |
List Facts | ohai | |
Bootstrap Chef client | knife bootstrap <FQDN/IP> | |
Change Chef Run List | knife node run_list <add | remove> |
Runlist Status | knife status –run-list , knife status “role:webserver” –run-list |
Nodes and Roles
Description | Command |
List Node Info | knife node show |
List Nodes per Role | knife search node ‘roles: |
Load role from file | knife role from file |
Data Bags
Load data bag from file | knife data bag from file |
knife + SSH | knife ssh -a ipaddress name:server1 “chef-client” , you can also use patterns: knife ssh -a ipaddress name:www* “uptime” |
# Invoke chef shell in attribute mode
chef-shell -z
chef > attributes
chef:attributes >
# Query attributes examples
chef:attributes > default["authorized_keys"]
chef:attributes > node["packages"]
Editing Files
using a Script resource.
bash "some_commands" do
user "root"
cwd "/tmp"
code <<-EOT
echo "alias rm='rm -i'" >> /root/.bashrc
- Hardening cookbook
- Drift Detection Cookbook
Chef Enterprise - Push Jobs (using the Push Cookbook)
knife job start ... knife job list knife node status ...